"I asked them to name a price and they said 600$ which I was perfectly fine with."
You asked THEM to give you a price? How can you ensure that that price will cover your costs and pay you at least a minimal wage? they don;t know your costs, they don;t know the ammount of work this represents ... you need to sit down and structure your pricing so you don;t go bankrupt.
"Do you think I should worry about this? Im scared they'll be mad or something."
You SHOULD be worried! A wedding is a once in a lifetime event (hopefully) and you are tasked with capturing that event. If you mess up they have no record of this event. People get sued ALL THE TIME over bad wedding photos.
Do i have stories pertaining to this? Sure ... go on to the links below.
And I could go on and on ...
This is one of the reasons why you need professional liability insurance and why people shouldn't shoot weddings when they have no experience, no gear and no talent! You had best pray that they don't take you to court ... I doubt you;d be able to pay to re-create the wedding and for a REAL photographer to re-shoot the shots ... you have 30000$ lying around?
"There's SO much I have to edit. My computer can't open RAW files unless I convert them, which means I have a lot of in camera editing to do as well."
This confuses the hell out of me.
- Did your camera not come with a RAW editing/conversion tool?
- Do you not have light room with Camera RAW?
- What camera allows you to do edits in camera?
- If you have 2-3 years experience why in the hell do you need to do so much editing?
Other than white balance correction and maybe a minor tweak to exposure my pictures are client ready straight out of camera. Are you editing to ENHANCE an already good photo or are you EDITING to FIX a bad photo? If it;s the latter then you are no where near ready to shoot a wedding.
EDIT: @Politely Dazed
Are you INSANE?
"As bad as you may think it is, just remember that this potential crash and burn situation is one little part of a learning journey. Good news is if they curse you out, you won't understand what they're saying. Just keep trying and you'll learn your way through it."
You are telling her to learn off of PAYING customers? Do you not understand the legal ramifications of the client vendor relationship? Things like acceptable service standards, failure to meet contractual obligations? Liability?
This girl might possibly be facing a lawsuit that will ruin her financially and you are telling her she should just ignore that and keep at it? If he clients are unhappy they can and SHOULD sue her! I'd like to see her ignore a court summons!