Your problem will be JPG attracting more then "grain"..... A mish-mash of cross hatch lines seen as blocks all over the image, some more seen than others. If you try to enhance the image, you also enhance these compression fractures as well.
I can take 6mp images at 3000x2000 pixels from my camera and make them into prints of 16x20's that look very very good.!
I have gone as large as 24x36 on some that look like they were shot with 400 ASA film..
Your DPI means nothing....
Your JPG compression is a bit high and if you know you will be wanting to print these images from now on, lower the compression down a few notches.. or shoot in another format. TIFF or RAW.
If you use a RIP printer interface (RIP = Raster Image Processing) and a large format printer you will have no problem in matching my sizes and most likely surpass them. You have plenty of pixels and that is what is needed. The DPI means squat here and adds NO increase to resolution or print size what so ever.
Read the reports on - The Myth of DPI - and how much time people spend spinning their wheels over such a item that has NO connection anymore in the world of DIGITAL, as it once did in the world of old fashion printing techniques of 20+ years ago.. Today it is PIXELS, there are no DPI here anymore..
Now, back to how big can you print.. 6Mp cameras (and smaller) have been used to make bill boards along the roads for years now. The secret..? It's the viewing distance. The rule of thumb here is to stand back the same distance the print is large (or farther). A 3x4 ft image should not be viewed any closer than 4 ft. The larger, the farther back the viewer should be. This is a fact, even with regular photographs.
Today we have Pixel Peepers who do nothing more than get nose close to a image and tear it apart because they can see - pixels.. If they would do this with a real photograph they most likely would see grain as well, but here, no one really said anything.. Hmmmmm..? Curious..
My camera is a modified Nikon D-200 and over 5 years old now, however, it is still producing excellent images and making me $$ because I took some time to learn and under stand the digital process and what is hype, BS and fact. I take, print, mount and frame my own images and I sell at, in.. a small but prominent Tucson art gallery. I know what I say works because I have been doing it for over 14 years now and thats OK that few want to follow or listen. If everyone knew "how easy" it really is, competition would be so much greater..