OK, I've looked.
The first requirement for a beginner photographer is the willingness to learn and the intelligence to be able to accept criticism from those who are more experienced. I am assuming that you have those qualities.
The next requirement is that, if one does not have a natural 'eye', it should be learned. This is EASY and does not require attendance at a photo class.
THE best way to advance is to share your photographs on a daily basis with other enthusiasts on a photo-critique site. There are MANY. Some of them are so BIG that you will be a grain of sand on the beach. There are a few who are small in membership numbers and who will notice you and who will give you feedback. By so doing, you will advance on a personal level.
Try this - Lenz-Frienz is a very small membership site, very recently started. The members are a wide variety of levels, from the most basic beginner to professionals in the field BUT they are all very friendly and willing to give you free advice.
Go to
Near the top left of the screen, under the logo, you will see
Click on that and it will invite you to join.
Enter a screen name and use the password 'moveon'
You can change this password to suit yourself later.
Still, that should get you started?
Any probs, contact Mike (Admin) direct on
Now ... There are two immediate recommendations that I would pass on here and now. First, photo-edit. Your BW images lack 'depth'. They look 'flat'. There are a number of ways to improve the look and the first that comes to mind is the use of the 'Contrast' adjustment.
Second, you are in the classic beginners' habit of placing your core subject centrally in the frame on quite a few of your shots. Not generally a good idea for visual impact. If you do not know about the Rule of Thirds, perhaps you should research it (try google?) or ask to have it explained to you by one of the LF members.
LF (Lenz-Frienz) may well be relatively quiet over the next few days - it is the holiday season. Do take a look and, if you like what you see, register and join in?
I look forward to seeing your name surface there ...