2006-03-29 00:42:04 UTC
I heard people said that is better if you convert your picture into CYMK before printing. Since if you don't, the color of the print may come out different?
So I tried convert the picture to CYMK, but then they have option about "Black Generation % ", "UCR Amount % ", "Total Ink Limit % ".
So I just click OK, then 4 new pictures come out, it's the same picture but different but all black and white. ??? All I know is CMYK stands for 4 different color?
So what happen? how come four different pictures are created?
Most important: Is my original picture (the color picture) has been converted to CMYK mode?
Please read the questions carefully and give me real answer.
Don't answer: "I dunno", "Ask the people in the photo store", "Try printing using your own printer".
Thank you.