2011-05-12 18:17:32 UTC
I'm about to finish my first bottle of developer (after many rolls and many more 4x5sheets). I've been using Ilfotech LC29. However there is one thing that I noticed that has really annoyed me and wanting me to seek out new developers.
It is difficult to achieve even development when the developing time is less than 5 minutes. This is also the due to the research and my personal experience. This makes pulling and temperture compensation very difficult.
As a result I'm looking for a new developer and am seeking to benefit from your experience.
- I live in a very tropical environment. over 30 degrees with 70-90 percent humidity.
- Cold tap water is actually room temperture water which is around 28 degrees most days
- Bath water can be warmed, but that is no good in the summer.
---> the point is, even with a water bath water temperture is difficult; although not impossible. currently I use a combination of icepacks and tap water to control the waterbath.
- I will be looking to experiment more with pushing and pulling and need something with a longer development time.
I was thinking DDX, but I wanted to hear from you before I commited.
I typically shoot HP5 on 4x5.
I'm stille experiementing with different films with rolls (FP4, pan F)