I'll start off by saying that in my opinion they are very poor images. I guess some people are easily pleased.
"know it says it was taking by film, but it looks so clear"
What do you mean by this?. Perhaps I should point out that film still has digital beaten when it comes to image quality and resolution. This image is shot on film, a perfect example of the resolution that can be achieved..
(a huge image, please give time to load).
"she might've used a dslr lense"
This is such a silly comment I am speechless..
"sorry my mind is just blow, its so hard to believe they were taken with film."
Well believe it.
"how did she get it on her computer? "
Easily, by using a scanner!. Film negatives can also be scanned by photo labs and transferred to CD in JPEG, or scanned at home directly to computer.
"im just really confused"
You sure are.
I shoot nothing but film these days, for the enjoyment of shooting it, and for the superior image quality.
Jonathan> I do not have a "disgust" for digital. I also own a DSLR and a digital P&S and will use them when it is appropriate, use the right tool for the right job. Trust me, I love digital!, but I will also add that digital is the best AND the worst thing to happen to photography. When it comes to sheer enjoyment of shooting (for me), and image quality, I will shoot film. I also use Lightroom/CS3 and other tools, at the end of the day, the end result is all that matters. I did say that "in my opinion" the images are poor, and I stick to that, plus after answering on this site for some time, believe me, some people really ARE easily pleased.
Rather than let this question end up another *yawn* "film v digital" debate, feel free to contact me privately.