Both Aperture and to a slightly lesser extent Lightroom demand that you work the way it wants to they want to put everything into Albums with keyword sorts and so on, they will even sort your pictures into Albums it thinks you want result your pictures are copied all over the place only the program knows where they are. They both have a nasty habit of moving the files where they can find them, not where you left them, I find them both frustrating, neither are on my computer anymore.
I much prefer Bridge in Photoshop, with this you steer it to the file and it shows you and allows you to view and open the contents - simple.
It has hidden depths, it can open and play most any video format, it can open Word or Excel files, when downloading it can store simultaneously onto two hard drives with meaningful file and image titles, it can automatically add IPTC copyright data and other Meta-data as it downloads, or at any time after, in short for me it's ideal.
It can also sort using any parameter you want, file type, date, camera, lens even focal length, shutter speed and apterure if you want, in fact any Meta-data can be used for sort or you can remove the option(s) from your screen in Setup, you can fine tune it to work the way YOU want to.
Lightroom is really designed for on the spot quick predefined editing for Events or Wedding photography, it can store camera and even lens profiles based on serial number and apply specific enhancements automatically.
You can do this too in PS in the Raw converter so I don't need it in Lightroom.