Madeline T
2010-06-26 11:04:04 UTC
I'm looking for something that will let me expose an image for 30 seconds at the longest, but even longer is good too (light painting). I'm not really sure what the minimum would be. I won't be in extremely sunny conditions, but I would obviously want to be able to use it on a bright sunny day.
I won't be doing action photography, and I don't think I'll be doing any extreme close ups. (eg this but I'd like to have the ability to purchase a lens that can. I'll mostly be doing portrait type images and landscapes with some other stuff thrown in occasionally.
I don't care about colour. I like black and both cameras are available in it.
I'm a bit of a newcomer to photography, and I heard the Pentax is good because it has automatic settings so you can use the camera before you've learnt all the advanced things. I'm guessing the canon has auto settings too though.
What is your experience with either? What do you recommend?