If you are very good it might pay your bills.
I have been doing freelance for a number of years, and am considered good by my peers, but I still find that I have to work at it. I am not a good salesman.
A career in photography is as much about marketing as it is about taking photos. If you can sell yourself, and back it up, you should do o.k.
A good way to see how you will do is to take your best shots (and only the best) to a local coffee shop and ask if you can sell some of you images there. Put a couple in nice frames, hang them on the wall with your contact information on a business card, and then have some matted prints for sale near the cash register.
It is only a test, but you may get something out of it. A photo club that I belong to does this and we make a few dollars.
Personally, I have made a couple of hundred like this a year. It is easy to do and the shop owners don't mind the %-age they get.