For this task, there's one thing I've learn't about Digital compact cameras: by the time you've got them fired up, and the motordriven zoom lens set.......... the wild animal you're trying to photograph has buggered off, and Digital compact cameras are therefore not really all that good for this task.
The next step up from this would be the digital cameras that are a next step up from Digital Compact camera's, but one step below a chuffing expensive Digital-SLR.
From the reviews I've read, 2 Digital cameras which look ideal for this task is the Fuji Finepix S5200/S5600 + the Fuji Finepix S9000/S9500/S9600..... both of which I believe you can set the the focus manually, making them more suited to wildlife photography.
As I'm skint, I'm currently thinking of getting the S5600 once my bank balance no longer has a minus sign next to it. Here's the reviews for both of them:
The next step up would be a Digital SLR, but they usually have prices liable to give your bank manager a fatal heart attack...... there's a selection reviews of them here (the Nikon's are supposed to be best):
For non-Digital, a good old fashioned film camera would suffice........ you'd probably be able to pick up an old 35mm SLR pretty cheaply on eBay now people are ditching them for digitals