my guy has been avoiding me for a little while does he still love me?
2006-03-27 05:39:53 UTC
i mean to give him credit he has alot on his mind lately but shouldnt he want me there to comfort him? if im stressed or sad or something i want to be held and what not, but he always seems to shut me out do you think hes cheating or do you think he just needs space its been a week and he supposedly loves me and im use to seeing him every day or every other day and on bad days every three days and this time it was a week idk im scared like when i talk to him on the phone he sounds like he always does but i havent seen him in practically a week what do you think? we havent been physical that whole time also and thats not like us?
Five answers:
2006-03-27 05:57:52 UTC
I really think you needn't worry or be 'scared' if it has been only a 'little while'. There are some people, who love to talk, and who love to be listened when really hurt or having a bad time like you. Im one of them too. But there are pple who dont like to talk about something terrible happening or having a bad time simply becos they will handle it and talking about it may just make them more upset. He may be really tensed or working his own problems out. And you have also mentioned that the 'little while' has just been a week. I know that sounds like 'forever' to you. But you must give him his space. He shouldnt feel pressurised by you. You must be his comfort at this time, and just let him be himself. Wait for a while, lets say a week more or two weeks, but keep in touch on the phone. While on the phone dont keep questioning him or nagging him on whether he loves u or no cos' that can be very irritating him and then he may just start questioning himself on whether he really can depend on u. His personal space may feel invaded.

Relax. Keep calling once a while to let him know ur there and making him feel that ur there to listen to him. He will open up on his own time. If its the same way for a long time, then i think its time to talk to him and clear things up. If u feel he may be cheating on u on ur confrontation with him, i think u shud just move on. It hurts, but if he doesnt care u cant do much about it.

Not to worry...cheer up !
2006-03-27 05:53:08 UTC
It sort of sounds like he's not that into you anymore and has even moved on with his life. You wouldn't have these suspicions in the first place if they were not there. It is cowardice of him not to provide you the luxury of closure. Remember, your personal happiness has no connection with him. You are resonsibile for that one!Consider yourself fortunate and move on!
2006-03-27 05:53:11 UTC
you are acting so wrong , it's time for you not to mind him . you can check him , if you get sure he's seeing others just let him go . there are a lot of guys all around the world ... and if he is cold , don't bother your self , he is cold , you get cold , and that's that he has lost his chance with you!!!!!
2006-03-27 05:40:46 UTC
either 2 things alot is on his mind of he has someone else on his mind.
2006-03-27 05:44:16 UTC
Look! there is no need to give him importance because if he does not care for u then u should also live your own life. I dunno whether u agree or disagree but this is my experience.

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