As fhotoace said, ISO is your friend, raise it as far as you can.
At f1.8 you get shallow depth of field, but if you stop down the lens, then you have a problem with shutter speed.
So raise the ISO as fast a you can (take into account that this increases noise, newer, more expensive cameras can usually go to higher with less noise, but you're probably not going to buy the newest most expensive camera).
Anyway do some tests to see how high you can set your ISO without noise being too much of a problem for you.
Once you've established the highest ISO you're willing to go to, set the camera to that and then you can either choose an aperture basing on how much depth of field you want and let the camera decide the rest. Or choose a shutter speed that is fast enough to freeze the game and let the camera choose aperture.
Finally the 50mm really wasn't the greatest choice, but if you can sit on the side of the court it's ok. But even there a zoom would have been better. With a zoom you can change the field of view and frame your shots while staying in the same position (You can't exactly back up into the stands or walk onto the court).