its not our lack of knowledge its yours, goto some exibitions - start looking at prints, study the masters, goto photography school.....the list goes on and on
Edit: its something cant be explained on one level, you deserve a better answer?
first theres the science part, film has far more grain than digis have pixels.......bigger film or smaller iso and the gap isnt limited to 10mp or whatever, the only limts are how much grain one wishes to reproduce and the quality of the scanner used to dizitize the film image
in print they are analog no matter what the source
on screens they are digital no matter what the source
the source is the artist choise, most fine art fotogs choose film because they dont want niose and want even tonal range that analog gives - eg zoom into any digi image and the pixels arent consistant - on film they are more consisitant
digi has noise, film hasnt
ok the second part is the art side of it
film has grain, digi has pixels, grain can be used artistically, niose cant, fine art fotogs choose film to get the best source, so if they want a saturated colour they use a film that will deliver it, if they dont they dont. the art side i cant explain - goto some exibits and really look at the large prints of bw from bw film - if your ready you will see it, if your not you wont
for most applications digi is great or the best, we arent talking video tape vs DVD - cause both are digital now anyway - its not the records vs cd thing either, viual art is a differnt medium from music, if they were the same every image would have to be shot at F64 and not have any exclusion (exclusion is what people here call the blurry effect)...........................people ask me how do you get this or that (reproprosity failure or other things) and i say thats cause i use film at 8 seconds or its a visual art form - art pencils better than paint brushes, are water paints better than dont matter its whatever the artist chooses........there are artistic qualities film has like reproprosity failure that photoshop cant do, and then theres grain again,,,,,,,,,
so the art side cant be film vs digital its artist interpretation of a creative choise the artist makes - digi or film
the science part i truely dont know enough to answer more, for most of what i do if this makes you happy digital wins,
for fine art film with its imperfections and qualities turns me on more, but there are great shots on both
how many film nuts say digi is no good? we say each has its purpose, i prefer film for pleasure and art, for work and snapshots and convienince i prefer excites me, digi serves a purpose - and alot better than film does
so to answer your question digi 95 vs film 5, digi the winner,
EDIT: 2 wise below me has covered it best for me and butterfly -- i say film is best for some things and digi for others, to say film is dead is like saying paintings are dead.......
starwars and "films" like that are shot on 70mm film and they do have a cool look, if you want razor sharp to the nearest pixel ok digi then - they are different, for somethings film is better for the rest digi is better, like a photo vs a paiting, its in the eye ---- if you only see in digi its not us its you,
when i watch tv i can see whats from film or digi - look at the old star trek and the new ones - its taste in a way, i like the look of film you might not?? this is art we film guys talk about (funny i shot 95%digi - am i a film or digi guy?) is personal taste, if you like over processed stuff made to "look" like film fine, i like whats appropriate one orthe other
one thing you will find is those know nothing think film is the past, its art, just like photography didnt replace painting