If you are talking film cameras, I would still say Nikon F4 with a 50mm or 85mm f/1.8 lens. Look on Ebay. They are still inexpensive at around $150.
If digital, go new. Since many people ask similar questions, here is what I wrote for another person addressing the matter:
A Professional cameras run around $2200 just for the body. A D300 or D700 (I use Nikon) are pro-grade. D90 (what I have) is semi-pro... between an entry level and pro-grade.
-Camera with different lighting features - Nikon or Canon has this.
-I'm planning to take nature photos so a camera that takes pics with crisp detail - now you want a good lens that has a high focal length. I use a Tamron 18-270mm f/3.5-6.3 VC. Does me just fine.
-can take photos with no glare (like if you're taking a photo of water.)-think about polarizing filters then. It would be the best way to reduce such glare.
-Can take not blurry photos-honestly, this on is on you. You must learn to use the camera/lens to reduce blur. Usually blur is due to either photographer motion or subject motion.
-I'm also doing portraits of others (black and white.)-get a good prime lens or a good zoom.
-good quality-Canon or Nikon again!
-good features of being able to take crisp pics at nigh time and daytime- again, Canon or Nikon.
-many options of how to take a photo-again, Canon or Nikon.
-can zoom in and zoom out a lot-like I said, the Tamron 18-270 does alot and covers most focal ranges with more than adequate quality.
-can take photos very fast-how fast? is 1/4000 sec fast? How many frames per second (fps)? Anything more than 4fps will cost $$$
-I'm willing to spend $1000 or less- Well, I can recommend a D40 with an 18-55 f/2.8 and a 55-200 f/2.8 for around $1200. My realistic recommendation is a D90 +Tamron 18-270mm f/3.5-6.3 for around $1500 if you shop around. Don't go used. You don't get the warranty. Pay for new stuff and get the 5/7 year warranty!