Photo 1: Nice subject and contrast. Unfortunately, the power lines ruin the shot. If the power lines weren't there I'd recommend centering it. But then again there's the building on the right... Could you take the same pic around the left side there? Is it a symmetrical tower?
Photo 2: Good one, great scene, interesting shadows. if the blur on the edge is post-processing I'd recommend getting rid of it.
Photo 3: Ouch, what happened? Not sure if there's something you're going for here. But the basics - level the horizon, ensure your main subjects are in focus. I don't think anything is in focus here. Makes me think I need glasses. Again, remove the blur effect.
Photo 4: There's a decent one. Perhaps a different angle could improve it. That big white blotch at the bottom is kind of distracting for the eye (taking the shot at say, knee height, shooting it level or up a bit would have eliminated it).
Photo 5: Good subject, interesting environment. The table sucks though, draws the eye and looks out of place. Don't just take a picture, create the picture! If you need to move something to make it, do it. That is unless you can't, like moving a table beside a guy meditating :P Or not having permission to do so. If it can make your picture, ask! Don't be shy, you're an artist, a photographer, not a pop-shot picture taker.
Photo 6: So-so. Taking a picture of someone from the back can work. It can convey mystery, leave the viewer wondering what they are doing... But then that would go hand in hand with the situation and environment. Since it looks like he's mulling around in garbage it isn't that compelling. If you want to convey emotion in this sense (sad, misery, or drudgery) you'd want to capture a facial expression.
Hope that was helpful. You've got a good eye, keep developing it!
Picks would be 2, 4, and 5.