I think every photographer has a form that they are more drawn to. I love black and white - 90% of my images are done in black and white. I find that unless I am shooting a scene where color is playing an important role - perhaps a red bucket against a muddy background, or something with complementary colors that stands out, then color is actually detracting from the scene. Its more information than necessary.
I like going around, looking for scenes where light and shadow interplay. Where you can take the final image, look at its composition and form and not be distracted by color. A lot of images work like this.
I admit it also gives me a more authentic and old-fashioned feeling, that I am creating fine art, but that is purely a psychological response. Some images work in color, and its impact is lost when converted to black and white.
Some shoot black and white if they like darkroom work. Color film is infinitely more difficult to process and print if you're using a home darkroom.
There is clearly no "best" though. Like any other technique or medium, color or black and white works/doesn't work based on the situation and and teh personal taste of the photographer.