The problem with used glass, is that its hard to find. Yea you can find lenses on ebay and such, but there is a reason for it, its junk that people are trying to get rid of. The good stuff is very hard to find used.
The main reason is the aperture, people go out and find this supposedly great lens, it has numbers on it like f4-5.6, the price is right and people gobble them up. A few months later they find they can't take pictures inside their house without making it blurry, the reason is the aperture.
There are two basic kinds of lenses, slow ones and fast ones. A slow lens has a high number aperture like f4 or higher, the reason it is slow is that the "hole" that lets light in is small. If you can imagine a camera is like a bucket, and the lens is a hose. The bucket must be filled up with light, if its not full, the the picture is to dark. A small hole i.e the hose takes longer to fill the bucket up. Therefore your having to leave to shutter open for a longer time to fill the bucket up. When you leave the shutter open for a long time, your picture gets blurry as things move, probably you.
A fast lens has numbers like 2.8 and lower. This means the hole in the lens is bigger like a hose is bigger around. Now you can fill up the bucket quicker and therefore use a faster shutter speed. No more blur.
That is the reason why people sell those lenses on ebay and stuff, they bought slow lenses (glass) and are finding out they are useless when shooting indoors or any situation where the light isn't very good (fills the bucket slowly). You can use a flash which gives enough light to use a faster shutter, but unless your quite experienced, flashes usually make a bad picture. We as professionals even have a term for it: "deer in the headlights". It looks terrible.
Besides all the horrible things like broken equipment that people are trying to get rid of, its really the aperture why they are dumping them. If you remember I said that good glass is hard to find, and its true, nobody wants to part with a fast lens, but you'll find all sorts of slow junk glass. Remember 2.8 or lower.