I've had /got both and the Nikon wins on quality but the Canon's focusing system is quicker and quieter.
If you are going to do action shots then go for the Canon if you go for anythings else then go for Nikon.
Also Nikon's are difficult to use.
At 1600 ISO the Nikon is far superior to the Canon.
It is not ALL true what the so called "10 years pro photographer said"
I have been doing photography for over 44 years and have been pro for nearly 40 years.
I have always been at the leading edge of technology and I run 5 or 6 seminars on digital imaging and printing per year.
Yes to a certain extent a person has to have a "good eye" for a photograph but having the best equipment helps.
But if I have only learned a few things in my life they are, there is nothing right or wrong in photography, photographs are very subjective and are only as good as the viewer.
Your can have the most perfectly technical shot of a spider if the viewer doesn't like spiders than you've had it.
Also remember that only a very small minority of people who look at a photograph will have any sort of technical knowledge nearly all people who view photos know nothing about the technical side of photography, but guess what they are the ones whose opinions you should value and of course your own.
If you achieve what you want then that is all that matters.
Also listen to others and improve on what they tell you.