2011-09-17 07:39:39 UTC
However, I also took couples' photos for her during this 5 months. she was separated from her husband and dating someone else and I took their photos. eventually, about 3 weeks later, she got back with her husband, so supposedly those photos are never to see the light of day. which, I understand, out of respect for their marriage and for my friend - him, the man she dumped, not her - but then I went to her page again to make sure she is not still claiming my work as her own and I saw that she had done a session JUST LIKE mine for her. There were several shots that were EXACT duplicates of the photos I'd taken for her. Same spot, up against the SAME POST of a pier. They were sunset photos kind of and she stole several and also she duplicated one that looks A LOT like a photo I took recently of my now current roommate (who she knows). So, I'm very miffed that she is stealing my work and it would be fine, if I were allowed to post my own work and people could see that she was in the wrong, but she is stealing my ideas, to a T, and making sure that, by revoking her permission, I cannot even post the ones I took contradicting her.
Is there anything I can do? I want to know about copyright laws. I am the photographer, i took the photos on a public beach, I had her full permission, she told me I could post them "in a few months" when her divorce was final, but after this man deployed, she went back to her husband, so that means... I can never post them? I'm worried about the rest of my work being stolen by her. apparently she has no scruples about taking my work, she has done it twice, once literally, once making a duplicate (or several). Is it legal for me to post the photos on my blog or facebook page advertising my work? Would it be legal if I blacked out their faces? thank you I live in North Carolina if it makes a difference.