Just had a conversation with a FaceBook user asking about where she should start.
Here is her question:
"James, where do i start, what is the best camera? i really don't know anything except that i like taking pictures naturally."
My Response and advice:
"OK first you need a camera. I know… DUH!! But the camera you choose needs to be chosen carefully. Why? Because you will likely stick with that brand from now on till ya’ die. See… you will not settle for just one lens. Because just one lens will not do. You will buy at least one more. Then if you really get into it, before you know it, you will have several. Probably at least about 5. Because no one lens will suit all of your needs.
So by the time you have invested that much money in lenses, does it really make sense to jump to another brand later? Of course not. If you do, you will have lost a lot of money in glass.
So you need to choose your first camera carefully.
There are three brands that you should seriously consider. Sony, for one. They are recent newcomers in the DSLR market, but they have invested billions of dollars and bought former Minolta. So they are here to stay. That much is certain. In fact, until recently, Sony provided Nikon with the senors in many of their cameras. What does that tell you?
Both Nikon and Canon have been in this game forever. They represent the best of the best when it comes to their upper end models for Pros.
So those three are what you should look at. Knowing that, here are three starter cameras you should look at from each of those respective brands. Now they do make other models, but these are affordable and geared for beginners who don’t yet really know how far into this they are going to go.
Nikon D40
Sony A300
Canon Rebel XSi
Now in my very humble opinion, I think the Rebel is a better choice for beginners because of the simplicity in it’s design with fewer buttons on the outside. It tends to not confuse the newbies as much. But that is just my opinion and you will find many that will disagree for a variety of reasons. Regardless, image quality is equal among all three. Go to my website. http://www.BCphoto.biz There are images there made by Sony, Canon, and Nikon. Can you tell which ones are which? Nope. Probably not.
So then your next task is to pick up the phone and start calling camera shops and Best Buys. Find out what stores have these models in stock and on display. Take a drive and hold one in your hands. Cycle through the menu options. Get a feel for it, if you will. Do your best to ignore whatever the salesman tries to steer you towards. They will. But ignore them and tell them you will let them know when you need assistance. The salesman is looking out for themselves. Not you. LOL.
Now once you have decided on what feels the best to you, stick with just the body and a 17-55mm kit lens (or there abouts depending on brand). Don’t buy anything else in terms of lenses. Get a flash if you want, but get name brand only. Not an aftermarket. So in other words if you buy Canon, get the Canon flash.
Now the reason you do not want to buy any more lenses right now, is because you really do not know anything about them or what your needs will be. You will be in danger of buying something you will only regret later. Trust me on this.
Soon, you will have more understanding into your new purchase and the world of photography, and then you begin to desire a certain type of lens. At that point, you can start doing research and making informed buying decisions. When you get to that point, I can assist if you would like.
Now having said all of that, there is something else you should do. Get involved in a class. Get involved now. The more you learn now, the happier you will be when you start shooting pictures. You may have figured out by now that I sell a class. And yes I want you to buy mine. It is a great one. It is all video based so you just watch to learn, and it is certainly cheap enough considering all that it comes with, and the ability to ask me questions at any time.
But even if you do not buy mine, get involved with a class somewhere. You will be far happier in the end I promise. There is a lot of confusion for newbies at first.
To give you an idea on –my- teaching style, go to the front page of this group and scroll to the bottom. I have some video tutorials straight from the class at the bottom of the page you can watch."
Free Stuff:
FaceBook group with free tips and videos: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=73025951553
Weekly video based podcast show that you should sign up for. It is full of tips and tricks all designed to further your learning. I even answer questions. To watch an example , click here….
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