Steven T
2009-02-21 23:28:20 UTC
I'm fairly new to photography, but I've done my research. i know how to take your average macro shot, (i know about aperture, filters, different lenses, bokeh, tripod of course ect. ect. ect.), but i can't find any in-depth information about what will help with my photos. every website or book i've found just gives me basic information that I've already heard 20-30 times...
i tend to use available light, it's adequate for now, but would a macro flash or ring flash help? are close up filters or extension tubes worth while? any composition tricks that work best with macro photography? i usually blur the background and keep the subject to one side, but that's getting a bit repetitive now.
just any information or advice you can give me from your own experience would help. thanks.
macro photography is my favorite type of photography, and i'm currently saving up for a Zeiss ZF 2/50 macro lens.
please don't give me a link, unless you think it will be really helpful. i've seen so many things that say the same thing.
thanks again.
PS. to show you what 'level' i'm at, here's some macro photos of mine.
criticize, by all means =]